Generic, one-size-fits-all sales and marketing presentations aren’t cutting it anymore. Working in traditional tools can take hours to implement basic customization features. That’s why over 500 top organizations around the world lean on DIGIDECK— the #1 cloud-based, customizable presentation platform with back-end analytics. With DIGIDECK, your team can accomplish impactful customizations in minutes, not hours.

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See What’s Possible With DIGIDECK

DIGIDECK allows you to implement a range of customizations directly in the platform— from minor adjustments to full-blown branding overhauls. These customizable features are ideal for sales and marketing teams across numerous industries.

Dynamic Text Fields

Automatically input your prospect’s name and company across your entire presentation in just one click.

Drag & Drop Editor

Quickly swap in personalized photos, videos, and infographics with DIGIDECK’s Drag & Drop Editor.

Hotspot Technology

Immediately superimpose your prospect’s logo onto appropriate activations, saving hours of Photoshop time.


Create a completely separate branded look for different uses and swap between looks in just a few clicks.

CRM Integrations

Automatically create a personalized pitch with your prospect’s data without ever leaving your CRM.

DIGIDECK’s Design Center

Your One-Stop
Customization Shop

Want to get into the nitty-gritty to impress your prospect with a personalized presentation down to the smallest detail? When working in DIGIDECK’s Design Center, you have centralized access to customize fonts, colors, images, videos, logos, arrows, and menu navigation all in one place. This is optimal for when you want to completely customize a presentation to reflect your prospect’s branding.

DIGIDECK Capture Works 24/7

Take Advantage of Automations for Custom Content

With DIGIDECK Capture, your prospect or customer fills out a simple form pertaining to your offerings. Once they’ve submitted their form, they receive an instant DIGIDECK presentation in their inbox with fully customized content based on their selections. The best part? Your team hasn’t even lifted a finger yet, meaning your sellers can spend more time actually selling and directly contributing to revenue growth.

See DIGIDECK for Yourself Today

Make the switch to fully custom presentations that work for you with actionable analytics, time-saving automations, and unforgettable designs.