Forrester B2B Summit North America Takeaways

Forrester B2B Summit North America Takeaways

Dive into takeaways and key areas of focus from a couple of information-packed, high-energy days at the Forrester B2B Summit in Austin, TX earlier this month. 

From changes in Buyer Behavior to the role of AI in Business, there was a lot to uncover:

Buying (And Therefore Selling) Is Different These Days

With 71% of buyers in 2023 falling under the age of 45, there is an increased appetite for digital-first everything at the moment. Growing up with devices for the majority or the entirety of their lives, this age group is both comfortable and more trusting of digital approaches to business. 

To position your organization the most favorably for the future, it is critical to assess your sales and marketing strategy to ensure you’re prioritizing digital channels. To take it a level further, look at which technologies can be integrated together to create further efficiencies for your team while catering to younger demographics simultaneously. 

Additionally, buyer committees have grown. More cooks are in the kitchen when it comes to decision making. This means a collaborative digital buying experience is more critical than ever. 

Buyers are no longer only interested in the “cheapest” solution, rather they are looking for which one provides the best balance to their overall organization. Tap into this trend by marketing your solution in a way that shows the balance + impact it will have rather than the savings your audience will achieve. 

Another way to get “buy in” from your audience is to make them a part of the solution creation process. By giving prospects a way to co-create the ultimate solution with you, they will inherently feel more invested in the decision and more likely to advocate for your solution. 

Navigating Wins In Today’s AI Era

AI continues to be commonstake in the business world as further developments give rise to new applications and use cases at a rapid pace. 

Sessions like “Use Generative AI To Enhance Content and Customer Experience” and “Winning With AI: Transforming Go-To-Market Strategies” examined AI’s impact further.

While there is new opportunity for AI around every corner, Forrester’s take is to “proceed with strategy.” 

In other words, take a critical look at your approach, your plan, your future, and your resources before diving into the world of AI. Ensure alignment with executive sponsors. Don’t just do AI for the sake of doing AI.

Instead, establish measurable outcomes and ensure the full strategy is “in play” before you start your AI journey. Once you have started using AI, ensure you analyze its impact on a regular basis in order to operate the most efficiently without risking an unsuccessful initiative.

Wrapping It Up

Examining what is top of mind in the B2B marketplace is always a refreshing + energizing experience with this event being no exception. From changes in buyer and seller behavior to the advancement of technology like AI, understanding your approach to these critical topics is a helpful way to get started leveling up your business impact.

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