Accelerate Your Sales Cycle with DIGIDECK

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The DigiKnow Series focuses on highlighting DIGIDECK value along with functionality, helping organizations enhance their overall selling experience.

In the ideal world, a sales cycle would be quick, to the point, with little back and forth efforts on both parties. Unfortunately, there will never be a proven science to shorten the sales cycle and close deals faster. Here are two ways DIGIDECK can make your sales cycle more predictable with quicker close rates. 

Drive Urgency

One surefire way to incentivize a prospect to take action on a sale is to set a deadline. If a potential customer knows that there is no rush to make a purchase, this gives them more time to weigh the pros and cons, and potentially forget about you. Strategically placing time-sensitive information within your sales presentation will drive this urgency. An example of this includes a promotional pricing slide at the end of the presentation with an expiration date. 

As a salesperson, you do not want to run the risk of that promotional offer to stay public, long-term. This will decrease the risk to potentially come back to bite you years down the road when a prospect uncovers that pricing slide. To ensure this does not happen, DIGIDECK’s expiration date feature will delete a deck on a given date. Learn how to set your sales presentation’s expiration date in DIGIDECK here. 

Effective Follow-Up

According to Hubspot, 92% of sales professionals give up after the 4th follow-up call to a prospect, but 80% of prospects say “no” four times before they say “yes”. Mastering the technique of follow-up is crucial to closing more deals, quicker. Understanding your audience’s key channel of communication and providing valuable solutions to their challenges will be ideal to make your follow-ups resonate with the prospect. 

During a call with a prospect, capturing the challenges and pain points of your audience play a large factor in effective follow-up. It is near impossible to take notes fast enough or retain all the details. These details help build the foundation of solutions you are working to solve for the prospect. DIGIDECK’s live recording feature captures your conversation for instant replay and reviews to create efficient and effective follow-ups. Learn how your administrator can turn on in your DIGIDECK platform to utilize the call recording feature.

Your follow-up communications should be strategic to your audience’s preferred method of communication. If email is the best way to contact a prospect, verifying that your sales presentation and links within your email are multi-device friendly is important. When your prospect goes to read the follow-up email and open the presentation on their cell phone, tablet, or laptop, the presentation should be responsive and easy to follow. Every DIGIDECK is completely mobile responsive, ensuring that your presentations look good on every device. Our apps offer offline viewing and editing as well. PDF exports offer you the option of a physical leave-behind for an additional follow-up tactic.

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