Why You Need a Presentation Platform Better Than PowerPoint

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Why You Need a Presentation Platform Better Than PowerPoint

Most sales and marketing professionals can agree on one thing:

PowerPoint isn’t cutting it anymore. 

Sure, it still serves a rudimentary purpose, but the reality is that everyone has seen a PowerPoint before, so prospects quickly check-out before gleaning valuable information from what could be a make-or-break sales presentation

So what’s the solution? Sales presentation platforms like DIGIDECK are proving more effective and efficient than PowerPoint and other traditional presentation tools like Google Slides or PDFs. Read on to discover how the DIGIDECK presentation platform solves common issues sales teams face, such as:

  • Productivity
  • Efficacy
  • Consistency

The Average Sales Team Struggles With:

If the tool you use for sales presentations, proposals, and other meaningful content isn’t helping you, it’s hurting you. 

A Presentation Platform like DIGIDECK makes users more productive, effective, + consistent. By shortening the sales cycle, driving the right kind of engagement, and building iron-clad branding & messaging, users are accelerating revenue.

Productivity in Presentations

The average seller spends upwards of 15 hours a week building, editing, and formatting custom collateral. That’s 37.5% of their time, and sometimes — the edits don’t really help. 

Sellers have all gotten used to this, but that doesn’t mean it should be the industry standard. It’s proven that the first to respond to a prospect is statistically the first to get a yes. If the average seller has to take 3-4 hours to deliver a proposal, but you can deliver one in 15 minutes, your team is going to close more deals over time.

The DIGIDECK cloud-based Presentation Platform uses guided selling to make presentations in a few clicks. By auto-populating customer info from a CRM like Salesforce, all the content customization a team needs is automated.

What Is Presentation Efficacy?

A presentation that drives the sales cycle to closed-won has high efficacy. That efficacy depends on these factors:

  1. Engagement
  2. Content
  3. Convenience

DIGIDECK helps across all three categories by creating a “web-like experience.” If it looks, feels, and loads like a top-tier website, it’s going to drive the results of a top-tier website. But the best part— it’s tailored to a singular audience and your singular purpose. DIGIDECK Presentation Platforms let your audience experience a fully-customized walkthrough of your brand.

Scrollable, clickable content and seamless multimedia drive engagement.

Salesforce Analytics - Digideck Tracking

CRM integrations auto-generate the right content for the right client.

Digideck LIVE Video Chat and Messenger

With a single, sharable link for presenting, it’s the most convenient sales pitch they’ve ever attended.

Why Consistency Is Key

A business always wants sellers to put out the best content available. Doing this consistently can boost revenue for a company by 23% or more.

Why do traditional slideshows make consistency so difficult? If messaging, branding, format, and layout are all inconsistent, a business can’t know what’s working and what’s not. At that point, any improvements are merely guesses (and, there’s no way to tell if everyone made the changes anyway).

DIGIDECK cloud-based presentations guarantee consistency. They offer unlimited storage for slides, images, video, multimedia—anything you need. Sales & marketing leaders build that consistency when they get together to find the best-of-the-best and build out a centralized library of approved slides, messaging, and branding that can auto-populate presentations for sellers.

If there’s a change to branding—or new analytics show one slide’s a new high-performer, leaders can universally update any and all presentations with a couple of clicks. With consistent messaging + branding, businesses have a distinct advantage over the competition. The benefit: an ROI they wouldn’t see with traditional slideshows.

The Change Modern Business Needs

To date, there are 500,000,000 PowerPoint users. They’re all using the same templates, updating the same sales decks, and equipped with the same standard tools. Their links are disparate. Collateral is unorganized and clunky to download. Their audiences have seen this all before.

A DIGIDECK subscription does cost more than a free app. But, it drives the results that the market’s been asking for. Adopters see an ROI that’s bigger than they thought—that comes faster than they expected. What kind can you expect? Schedule a demo today.

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